Saturday, September 21, 2013

Analysing The Story: Part 1

Today, we will be analyzing the story by parts, Oedipus Rex.... this is for sharing my knowledge of understanding and my own opinions on one of the greatest works in both drama and literature. I cut down the story by parts so that it would be easier to dissect and decipher what each part is conveying to the reader. ^^
 Hope you enjoy reading!!!

For starters, I want you to take a look at the story that took place on the City of Thebes where King Oedipus is seeking the solution to the curse.

First Part:

"King Oedipus, aware that a terrible curse has befallen Thebes, sends his brother-in-law, Creon, to seek the advice of Apollo. Creon informs Oedipus that the curse will be lifted if the murderer of Laius, the former king, is found and prosecuted. Laius was murdered many years ago at a crossroads."

First things first...we will get to know the characters that were in the first part of the story. 

There is King Oedipus of course, he is the main character of the story, the doomed hero right from his birth he was fated to kill his father and marry his mother. 

Oedipus The King
Next, there is Creon who is ironically not only his brother-in-law but unknowingly is also his uncle!!! talk about a major confusion in the family tree....

Creon (after Oedipus death)
Then there is the god, Apollo. Like every other gods, he is very conniving and playful with human nature. He didn't revealed to Creon that the one who murdered his former King and brother-in-law is also the one sitting on the throne and is also the stowed away son of the former king and queen.
God Apollo

Now, it's time for the story...

Oedipus has heard rumors that a curse is afflicting Thebes. After briefly congratulating his own greatness, he asks the priest what’s up. The priest responds that basically everything that could be wrong in the city is wrong: crops are dying, cattle are dying, people are dying, and there's generally low morale.

Because Oedipus is the boss man, the priest asks him to please take care of this mess.
We learn that Oedipus has saved the city once before by lifting a curse put on it by the Sphinx.
Oedipus reveals he already knew that the city was in a bad state, so he sent his brother-in-law, Creon, to Apollo (or at least to Apollo’s oracle) to get more information. In the midst of this conversation, Creon returns with news from Apollo. 

Creon tells Oedipus that Apollo told him that in order to lift the curse on the city, the men that murdered the city’s former king, Laius, must be banished or killed. Oedipus reenters and demands that anyone with information about the former king's murder speak up. He curses the murderer. (He didn't know that he was actually cursing himself, hilarious right!?)

So what do you guys think??? 


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