Sunday, September 22, 2013


My reflections on Oedipus the King.

I'd say the most important lesson to be learned is, not committing incest or murdering someone, but being ignorant all together, or at least being as ignorant as Oedipus was. While there were plenty of warnings given by various oracles, the king did not act in any way to prevent his undoing. His refusal to listen to the blind man, ended up destroying a close friendship with Creon. Oedipus did not like the facts he was hearing, so he jumped to the conclusion that Creon was trying to overthrow his kingship. Before Oedipus realized he was the murder of Laios, he declared that the killer shall be found and put to death, or exiled. After he knew it was him, he was shamed by his pervious words and felt it was fitting to receive both punishments, by blinding himself, that way he could not enjoy life, nor could he participate.
Her relationship with her father, by the poem "Daddy," was unpleasant. She feels like his amputated foot, useless and distant from her father. Her father died when she was eight, by diabetes mellitus, which was curable back then, but he miss diagnosed himself with lung cancer. Plath had several mental breakdowns throughout her life, causing one attempted suicide and one successful suicide. She marred the famous poet Ted Hughes, again interpreted from the poem "Daddy," idolized as her father. After Hughes had an affair with some chick, they separated and Plath moved into a flat in London. A year later she killed herself via head in a gas oven. Some suppose that this was actually an attempted suicide which turned successful, since she left a letter to her downstairs neighbour telling to call the doctor.

Hope you all had the same reflections as I did!!! >.<

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